
3.03 OE-B firmware unlocks full-res video

Dark_Alex's "Open Edition" firmware has all of the functionality of Sony's official 3.03 firmware ... and then some. Previous versions of this homebrew-friendly firmware allowed for playing back illegal copies of ISO files. While we don't support such piracy at PSP Fanboy, we do have to commend Dark_Alex and the latest revision of his hacked firmware: it plays back full resolution (480x270) AVC video, something Sony has been very reluctant to support (with P-TV being one key exception).

If you're running a homebrew-capable PSP, you may want to consider upgrading to this hacked firmware. Downgraders are available for PSPs, firmware 2.71 and below, for those of you interested in downgrading, and then upgrading to this hack. I personally hope that Sony realizes that this is a major blow, and seriously considers officially unlocking the PSP's video capabilities in a future firmware upgrade. Until then, one of my PSPs will be running 3.03 OE-B.