
HDMI 360 for research, not in production

In recent interview with Gamespot at CES, Microsoft's Chris Satchel both confirmed and denied the existence of the HDMI enabled 360 which many have dubbed 360 v2. When asked about the existence of the new 360, Satchel replied that Microsoft is constantly working to upgrade the 360 and working on many different prototypes. He more or less confirms the existence of the HDMI prototype, saying, "at the moment, everything you might have seen is just looking at our experimentation back in Redmond, not really a product that we're thinking about announcing." So there you have it. The 360 v2 exists, but it looks like it's only a prototype (and one that may never see the market). Frankly, we're a little skeptical, as it only makes sense that Microsoft would eventually launch an HDMI enabled 360. The question really isn't whether or not Microsoft will incorporate HDMI, it's more a matter of when.

Satchel also discusses IPTV, PS3 comparisons, and the Nintendo Wii. Overall it's a good read for 360 fanboys. Check it out.

[Via Joystiq]