
Joyswag Photochop: Lost Planet, found entries - Day Five

Hats off to everyone who contributed to the Lost Planet photochop contest, in a huge way. We had over 450 total entries for this contest, and there were so many good ones that it was hard to pick just two winners each day. You guys went well above and beyond the call of duty here, and we couldn't be happier with the results. Once we get everything sorted out behind the magic curtain, we'll show you the highlights from the entires that didn't make it to the final ten.

On that note, today's first winning entry is from Michael, who drew his inspiration from the comments on the contest. It's easy for us to feel like his winning entry, with Joystiq's little truck being surrounded by angry commenters, rocked from side to side, only ten copies of something to give away, unhelpful phone calls from Otis ... *shudder* it's almost therapy time again.

Check out the second winner from today after the jump, and check back soon for the other entries. Everyone that submitted an entry in this contest deserves a prize, that's how good they all were. That is to say, those of you that didn't win actually prizes will win our gratitude, which is worth so much more than a video game, right? Seriously, we received so many entries that were top-notch. A few were a bit NSFW, but your heart was in the right place. A big thank you from Joystiq to all of you.

Today's second and final winning entry in this contest comes courtesy of Chris, and will hopefully serve as inspiration to Capcom for the unannounced sequel to Lost Planet. This cover practically writes the game itself.
He's even got a shark with a frickin' laser beam on his head, people. If that's not enough, it's also sponsored by Mountain Dew to show you how x-treme it is. X-treme to the max. Nice work.

Thanks again everyone, and stay tuned for our next contest where we'll have to really put you to work.