
Doh! Crackdown demo delayed

We just got word from Microsoft that the Crackdown demo, scheduled to hit the Marketplace on Thursday, has been delayed. The certification process is taking longer than expected, but Microsoft says the demo will only be delayed a few days and will be available in January. Microsoft also touched on some differences between the demo and the retail version of Crackdown. The demo will feature a dumbed down version of the "jump in Live co-op" gameplay, where you'll have to setup a game with a friend prior to starting the demo. But don't worry, the full version will implement jump in Live co-op just like Gears of War has. They also mentioned that the Agent leveling system has been enhanced for the demo to allow players a chance to try out the advanced abilities.

Sorry guys, we'll just have to wait a little longer to try out Crackdown. Curse you certification process!