
Yojimbo gets a 3-pane widescreen hack

You can't say I've never blogged anything I don't like - remember that three-pane widescreen plugin for Well, Jon Hicks (yeah, that Jon Hicks) has brought the same window paradigm to Yojimbo with a little hack. Now you too can be the proud owner of a three-pane, widescreen Yojimbo. The hack (which requires the latest version 1.4, that we mentioned earlier) isn't hard to install, but you should still check out Jon's post and follow his instructions word-for-word (to be clear: that especially includes the word 'backup'). There is also a minor catch with the hack in that you can't shrink the Yojimbo window too small, otherwise the notes list will overrun into the note preview window. Fortunately, clicking the bar between the two areas will snap them back into place, so you shouldn't have much to worry about.

Me? I still believe there's a lot in a name (and email subjects, too). Maybe it's my blogger practices, but nearly all my notes have very descriptive names, so I need to see as much of those names as possible. These widescreen hacks just feel like change for change's sake, as opposed to good UI (but don't get me wrong: Mr. Hicks does fantastic work). But, in the end, I also still believe in "to each their own," so enjoy the hack if this is your bag.