
Frontlines brings 64 person multiplayer [update 1]

Update: An inside source reports to us that the information in Game Informer is a misprint. Matches over Xbox Live will be limited to 32 players. The PC version, however, should support 64 players online. Too bad, though 32 is nothing to sneeze at.

The latest issue of Game Informer has a spread on Frontlines: Fuel of War, developed by Kaos Studios. Announced last April, Frontlines: Fuel of War is a military FPS featuring vehicular combat and advanced weaponry. The biggest tidbit of information, however, is revealed in the game's description. Should you walk by a copy of Game Informer in your local grocery store, flip to page 72 and focus your eyes directly under the title: "Up to 64-player via Xbox Live." You may be compelled to rub your eyes and unleash a hearty "whaa?" It's understandable. So there you go, from some of the same people that brought you Battlefield 2 comes 64 player madness.

Anyone looking forward to this now?