
Starting zone questions answered: Azuremyst Isle

So, want to take a break from the phat lewts in Outlands and try out one of the new races? How about Draenei? Here's the information you need to know so you can avoid asking ridiculously common questions in chat.

  • The nearest mailbox is at Azure Watch, the first Draenei town.

  • To learn Jewelcrafting, go to the Exodar.

  • To get to the rest of Azeroth, take a boat from the docks just south of the Exodar to Auberdine.

  • Your Heroic/Inpsiring Presence aura is working, it just doesn't display on yourself.

  • Draenei Priests get for their racials Fear Ward and Symbol of Hope (mana over time (MoT?) spell for party).

  • The low level character on an elekk has it as party of a quest; it's only temporary.

  • You may need to kill a few furbolgs to get the Bristlelimb chief to spawn.

  • You can only use the tree disguise by the flag.

Anything I'm missing? Let me know. And remember the lessons of the past.