
Buy a PS3, fix your PSP for free

I was browsing the PlayStation forums when something caught my eye: a thread called "Sony is nice." What? As a fanboy, I like Sony's products, but even I wouldn't go as far as to call the company "nice." Maybe Ken Kutaragi gave this kid a high-five? I had to find out more.

psp-frog describes how he bricked his system, and called Customer Support. Although the warranty was over, the forum poster was able to get his system fixed for free! How, you ask? He told the representative that he was buying a PS3 and couldn't afford to fix his PSP. The representative then did something surprisingly "nice." He let the user get his system fixed for free!

While this is most likely not common practice, it's interesting to hear the story of a Sony representative bending the rules. Maybe they'll do anything to get those PS3s off the shelves?