
Run 16Mbps video on PSP ... sorta, with 3.03 OE-C

Does Dark_Alex ever sleep? I don't think so, as he's updated his open-edition custom firmwareyet again. The last edition unlocked full resolution video, and now Dark_Alex has lifted the bitrate limit, making it even easier to run high-quality video off your homebrew-enabled PSP. Word to the wise, however: just because your system will be able to recognize video up to 16Mbps doesn't mean the system will be capable of actually displaying it. 768Kbps is more than enough for PSP video, but being able to increase the quality even a little is a nice option. Shouldn't Sony be taking notes?

Other changes include a faster OE boot, changeable XMB speed, and functional wi-fi at 333MHz. Sony looks like its sleeping when compared to the impressive work Dark_Alex has done so far.

[Via DCEmu]