
Unreal Tournament 2007 = Unreal Tournament 3... also multiplatform

So, what's this talk about Unreal Tournament 2007 going to the 360 and PC? That's completely untrue. Why? Because that's not going to be the game's title anymore -- even though the game is actually the fourth UT, it's going to be dubbed Unreal Tournament 3. Why would Epic Games instigate such a confusing name change? You have about ten seconds to make the connection or... well... we'll tell you.

Still thinking? Well, here's a hint: replace "tournament" with "engine" and you'll find your answer staring you in the face. That's right, they're changing the name to coincide with their incredibly popular, even in Japan, engine dubbed the Unreal Engine 3. So, we can assume UT3 is going to be one of the "showcase" titles for the engine. Honestly, the engine doesn't need any more showcasing. We know it's great. Now, if you say Unreal Tournament 3 is going to be multiplatform, you're right. We'll all enjoy it, so is that a problem?