
GRAW 2 demo: a little too short, but sweet

We just got finished playing the GRAW 2 demo, and so far we like what we see. The demo is very short, lasting maybe 20 minutes or so depending on how you play. The demo gives you a chance to eliminate a few enemies with a variety of weapons. You'll get some basic assault rifles and a spiffy sniper rifle for some shoot-through-walls action. One of the coolest new features in GRAW 2 is the ability to directly interface with any of your units. This includes your teammates, the recon drone, or the new MULE. The MULE acts as a mobile ammo dump where you can pick up new weapons and supplies. The MULE is also handy in that it's just the right size to provide necessary cover. Directly controlling the recon drone to spot enemies is a nice addition as well. The direct control also makes it easier to issue target commands to your squad.

The beginning of the demo has you going solo, but you'll pick up your three teammates near the end. Unfortunately, the demo ends soon after you join up with the rest of your squad, so you won't get to test the team dynamics too much. Still, the demo gives you pretty much what you'd expect from GRAW 2, a nice update to an already good game. Whether or not that's enough for a sequel is up to you. Go give the demo a try and tell us what you think.