
Forget Warlocks, nerf Imps

Apparently, Warlocks' littlest demon friends have been performing far better than expected. This would be due to receiving way too much of Warlocks' +damage bonus. To remedy the situation, a hotfix has been instated that removes Imps' spell damage coefficient entirely. Drysc:

  • We will be implementing a hotfix this evening that temporarily removes the Warlock Imp's spell damage coefficient as it was performing far in excess of our intention. This will remove any spell damage bonuses from improving the Imp's attacks. We are currently on schedule to be implementing the correct values with the next patch. While we are able to effectively block the spell damage bonus with a hotfix it will require a client side patch to input the intended spell damage bonus the Imp is receiving.

Overkill? Certainly. But if they couldn't hotfix it to the right value, I suppose underpowered is better than imba. Thoughts?

[Thanks, Tim]