
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts to spook XBLA?

An entry for a 360 version of Super Ghouls N' Ghosts recently popped up on the ESRB website, leading many to believe that Capcom's classic will soon be appearing on Xbox Live Arcade. Beloved by old school gamers for its charm and tough-as-nails difficulty, Super Ghouls N' Ghosts would certainly be a welcome entry to the Arcade. Unfortunately, that's all we have to go on right now, as no announcements have yet been made. As such, chalk this up as a rumor for now. Still, once a game shows up at the ESRB, it's a fair bet that it's coming (let's hope it arrives with a save function).

Anyone else looking forward to the game so nice you have to beat it twice?

[Via TeamXbox]