
Bungie's Winter Pentathlon roundup

You know you work for one damn good company when one day out of the year you get to do nothing, but compete in a company-wide video game tournament. Bungie's Winter Pentathlon (which we briefly discussed earlier) has come to a close and thanks to, we get the inside dish.

Everyone at Bungie broke into random teams, manned their battlestations, and prepared to pwn. With team names like Army of Dorkness, Makin' Webs Is for Suckas, Mancannons and Pwncakes ... this should be good. They played games like Halo 3, Gears of War, Wii Bowling, Age of Empires, Worms, Guitar Hero, and Pictionary and it looks like Frankie's team kicked BLAM when it came to Halo 3. But you can't throw a gaming tournament without food, and this get together was no exception. Over 30 pizzas, 8 dozen cookies, 2 kegs and 5 gallons of coffee were consumed that day. Make the jump for a detailed look at the day's events, the winners, and who ended up flailing on the floor in a whiny tirade. Note to self, Fanboy Towers definitely needs to increase its snack budget.