
Ping Pong with Penny Arcade, to the pain!

After feasting upon the flesh of Seattle import vendor Pink Godzilla, the Penny Arcade crew are thirsting for new blood in their quest to destroy all competition in their sick and twisted game of ping pong. No, not Rockstar Table Tennis (though the developer's hand would explain the violence), but actual, honest-to-goodness, physically exerting ping pong.

Gabe is making the call to anyone in the games industry who might want to take on the comic crew (and yes, it's more than just Tycho and Gabe). A few rules:

  • Bring seven people, ranked in order of skill

  • Matches will adhere USATT Table Tennis rules, lasting 11 points per game with service rotation every two points. Each match will be best out of five games.

  • Doubles teams are optional

  • "Victory as of right now means street cred and bragging rights," according to Gabe, with the future possibility of a pong league and "some sort of trophy to pass around.

Anyone interested should e-mail Gabe (address on the PA page) with the subject line reading "PING PONG CHALLENGE!" Since Joystiq HQ is spread out far and wide over the world, we'll likely not heed the call, but industry types who have no will to live some paddle skills should bring their A-game to Penny Arcade's underground lair. But be warned of Robert Khoo's insatiable thirst for gamer blood, demonstrated in the video embedded after the break.

See Also: Joystiq's Weekly Webcomic Wrapup

[Thanks, Aaron]