
RSS this!

Every week PSP Fanboy brings you a great new podcast that you can use your PSP's RSS feature to subscribe to. We uncreatively called the feature RSS this!

It's time for a little shameless inner-joystiq self promotion. This week we're going to recommend you listen to Xbox 360 Fanboy's very own fancast. Every week the fancast will keep you up to date on all the happenings in the world of Xbox. Hosted by Richard Mitchell, Dustin Burg and David Dreger, the fancast features site news, Xbox developments, listener mail and also questions for listeners to ponder. As with any good podcast, there's humor mixed in with all the information and even if this was your only source for Xbox 360 news, it'd really be all you need.

While you may not own an Xbox 360 now, you'll probably own one eventually, so listen in. If you want to add the Xbox 360 Fanboy Fancast to your PSP's RSS, just bring up this site with your PSP through our mobile version at and click on this link: Then you can exit your web browser and the show should be in your RSS channels. From there you can set a timer for auto-download of episodes, or stream them and save them to a memory stick.

Got something you have RSS'd and would like us to feature? Just let us know in the comments, or let other readers know what you think of the Xbox 360 Fanboy Fancast.