
More details on Cookie & Cream DS

Even though The Adventures of Cookie & Cream was originally on the PS2, it's always been a DS game at heart. Seriously-- it's a split-screen puzzle game (even in single-player mode!) If only there were some kind of console out there that had... two screens! Really, it's a shame there was no DS to release it on back in 2001.

When we heard the news that a Cookie & Cream game was coming to the DS (dropping the Adventures from the title,) we got a little excited, but we still wondered: would this be a new game or a port? From the short description, we are guessing "new game." Previously, players were charged with controlling two characters simultaneously through similar courses, but in this one, platforming action is on the top screen, while the touch screen is used in varying ways to clear obstacles.

We might be the only people in the world who admired the "two games at once" gameplay of Dig Dug: Digging Strike. Despite that, we hope there are like-minded individuals out there anticipating this game.

[Via GameSetWatch]