
The Ultimate Guide to Paladin Librams

In my ongoing search for the absolute best paladin spec and gear (hitting a wall at 64 with my Shaman, while leveling in Terrokar), I came across, and this fantastic guide to every single Paladin libram in the game.

I've only ever had one libram, the Libram of Divinity. It dropped in Scholo a couple of days after Librams were released into the game, and I've never really thought more about pursuing a specific book to help me along. Now I see so many librams I'd like to collect, I may have to start a library.

In fact, I've really got to run, I've got a meeting with the Maker, to get that Libram of Saints Departed. While I do that, you head over to's Ultimate Guide to Paladin Librams, then come back here to talk about the ones you think are must-haves, and ones that we shouldn't waste our time going after.