
Halo 4: Typo, Halo Wars, or real deal? [Update 1]

Update: The auction has been listed at a new location, and no longer extends past Halo 3. Frankie has confirmed that the whole "Halo 4" thing was a sad excuse for a joke.

We told you that there is an auction on eBay for a cameo in Halo 3 as a voice over and it comes in at a pricey $1,000 USD as the opening bid. While that's cool and all, the thing that has been grabbing all the attention is that if the winner doesn't do the recording by May 15th, 2007, "this package will have to [be] redeemed for Halo 4." This caused a stir and made people wonder if it was confirmation of a continuation of the story that was slated to conclude in Halo 3, or if they meant Halo Wars, or if it was a ploy to generate hits for the auction. Our friends over at the 'stiq confirmed that the wording came straight from Bungie, but it didn't clear up their intent. Now, though, if you look at the auction page, there is a rewritten description beneath the original. It states that "if you miss this deadline, this opportunity becomes applicable to a future Bungie project." So, that makes a lot more sense, and hopefully someone (with deep pockets) will start bidding on this item, since it's for charity and all.

[Via Joystiq. Thanks dpcough]