
DS Fanboy presents: Game Night (2/20/07)

We've tallied up the votes and our Game Night title has been chosen. We'll be meeting up in the same room as last week, at the same time. All of the details, including the results of the poll determining what game we'll be playing tonight, are after the break.

Well, what do you know? If it isn't a very first in Game Night history. A complete tie! That's right folks, looks like tonight's game is going to be both Animal Crossing: Wild World and Clubhouse Games. So, looks like we'll let you decide later on tonight which game you'll want to get to playing. As usual, we'll be meeting up in an IRC chat room set up by reader ConstyXIV. The server is and the room we'll be in is #dsfanboy. Remember to be in the chat at 8PM EST. Leave your code in the comments, or come a little early to swap with the others.

Clubhouse Games codes:

  • Alisha Karabinus's friend code: 4424 6617 4847

  • Jason Wishnov's friend code: 0688 0641 8304

Animal Crossing: Wild World codes:

  • Dave Hinkle's friend code: 1761-6174-6373 Town: Hinkton