
Unreleased but unforgotten systems

We must have missed the memo about yesterday being "blog about game systems that were announced but never came out" day, but we're trying to make up for it belatedly by pointing out two sites that took part. The first, TechEBlog, has compiled a list of five systems from the '90s that never made it off the drawing board, including the retro-futuretastic Sega VR helmet pictured above. Insert Credit didn't go quite so far back in looking at the FreeOn, a Korean cell phone system that was shown at E3 2003 and promptly never heard from again.

Not a bad start, but there are a couple dozen other unreleased consoles just waiting to be covered by the blogosphere. We'd take one but we're too busy writing about systems that, y'know, actually came out.

Read - TechEBlog: Five Unreleased systems
Read - Insert Credit: MIA FreeOn