
What John August learned from WoW

Some of you may be asking, "Who's John August?" Well, I also asked myself that when I came across his article. Turns out I already knew a lot of his work, and you might too. John's written a bunch of movies, including Go, Charlie's Angels (and its sequel Full Throttle), Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the Corpse Bride, and has actually written and directed his first film with The Nines, which garnered some great reviews at the Sundance film festival.

Okay, before this becomes a Cinematical entry, let's get back to what this post is actually about. John, like many struggling (or not so struggling) writers (please take that giant hunter's mark off my head now, thank you), has a lot of free time on his hands while scheming up ideas for scripts and stories. For a while, John chose to spend a good portion of his free time in the World of Warcraft.

What stands out about his article, "Seven Things I Learned from World of Warcraft", is that he's taken what he learned in-game and applied it to his now WoW-free life. I found it amusing and also semi-educational, if not a bit GTD in inspiration. So go hop over and take a read, then come add to his list. What life-lessons have you learned from the World of Warcraft?