
Guildwatch: The anti-ninja strikes

Hey hey all, it's Tuesday, and not only does that mean you sleep in (instead of waking up at 5 am to play WoW), but it also means it's time for Guildwatch, your weekly look at drama, downed, and recruiting guilds from around the World of Warcraft.

This week's GW starts, as usual, right after you click the link below. To send us tips on your guild (or any other guilds you happen to know about-- anonymous drama tips are welcome), throw a note to


  • Split on Icecrown-H: Dark Talisman is dead. People who didn't like being yelled at by DT's raidleader formed a guild called Wraith, while those who didn't mind being yelled at (maybe to them it's relaxing) formed Sedition.

  • This from MBAzeroth: Lots of guilds are going through the expected BC drama right now-- the fact that the raid limit lowered and everyone was giving 10 more levels to gain means guilds are being pushed to the breaking point right now. In most places, there's usually one core group of players who are rolling through the endgame stuff together, and then just kind of hanging around the top waiting for everyone else to catch up. I know my guild is going through this a little bit, and I'd bet it's not uncommon for most guilds, even the smaller ones that seemed so tight before the expansion hit. The dust hasn't settled yet, people.

  • Humility on Auchindoin is doing something interesting, since the LFG channel is gone (it's coming back, but not really, since you need to be flagged LFG before you ever see it): they're making their own. To join a clean, moderated LFG channel on Auch-A, type /join aa.

  • This one is interesting because it's actually not dramatic at all: Kindjal of Medivh was standing over a rich thorium vein when he had to stealth to keep from being hit by a mob. While he was stealthed, and messing around with his inventory, Dumaur, GM of The Stacked Deck, stepped up to the node and unknowingly ninjaed it. Kindjal unstealthed, explained what Dumaur had just done, and then-- get this-- Dumaur gave him the arcane crystal from the node. What's this world coming to when people are that giving and understanding?


  • Some noob guild downed Magtheridon for a world first

  • Drop Bears on Moonrunner-A downed Murmur (or, as I like to call him, "Air Rag")

  • Nomercy, guild leader of Damage Inc on Warsong, wanted to show off his guild: Not only are they made up of a group of people who used to play Warcraft II together (and played WoW since Day 1), they just downed Attumen and they're working their way through Karazhan. Cool.

  • R I P co on Elune-H downed Kazzak for a server first.

  • Your guild here! If you've downed a boss lately, feel free to drop us a tip (and a screenshot if you got it) at!


  • Woot Sauce on Jaedenar-H wants us to know that they're awesome (or should that be "sauce-ome"? They're a group of 20s-50s dedicated to World and battleground PvP, so look them up if you're there and looking for funny mottos like "Don't be a pansyorc!"

  • Psycho Beast Killers (winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) is on Kilrogg-H and looking for a Warrior, Priest, and Shammy.

  • Nokturnal Karnage on Aman'Thul-A is looking for late night raiders (raids starting at 11pm EST)

  • Moonlight Marauders of Bladefist-A are looking to grow their ranks, and recruiting levels below 30 to roll up towards the endgame

  • Titan on Blackhand-H wants healers and a few more players to round out their endgaming

  • Veritas on Vekil'nash wants a few folks to help them run their two runs of Kara every night (they've gotten through the Chess event, and to 25% on Aran)

  • Total War is doing World PvP on Haomarush-H sometimes four nights a week (one Alliance city per week at least), and they need good soldiers willing to die for the cause

  • Cenarion Alliance on Cenarius-A (hey, I have a guildless alt on Cenarius-A!) is looking for help at endgame

Here at GW, there's nothing we love more than a completely insane rumor about a guild, big or small. If you know one, please let us know: Until next week, happy raiding!