
NYCC: Godzilla Wii eyes-on

Tucked away in a secret corner of New York Comic Con was Godzilla: Unleashed for Nintendo Wii. Considering its early pre-alpha form, Atari didn't want to show off too much of the game. Makes sense: the game really looks incomplete at this point, especially with its primitive, worse-than-Gamecube graphics. Of course, graphics are easily correctable during a product's development.

How were the controls? You can watch and judge for yourself. Do the motion controls really add much to this brawler? At this moment, it doesn't appear to. The game still has a long way to go: it won't be ready until the holiday season later this year. Hopefully, the Wii functionality of the game will feel a bit more significant, and less tacked on, the next time we see it.