
NYCC: Pirates of the Burning Sea interview

Who doesn't love pirates? The answer seemed to be "no one" as Flying Labs' upcoming MMORPG was swamped with fans throughout the entire New York Comic Con weekend. Although this MMO has been fairly under the radar, it certainly deserves a little more attention. Pirates of the Burning Sea promises a lot of playability, from multiple fighting styles, to naval battles, barter, economics, and more. It's the kind of stuff not-leaving-the-house-ever is made of.

Saying whether or not the team has been successful on capitalizing on their ambitions requires having a lot more time with the game. Thankfully, there is a public beta available for those that want to find out more. The game promises tons of missions, both offline and on. With cross-functionality with a planned Pirates of the Asian Sea, the whole ninja versus pirates debate can finally be settled ... in a far more artistic way than the Internet has ever portrayed it.

Watch the video to get more info about the game. Be warned that it's incredibly long and will waste tons of your time. But that doesn't stop MMORPG players, right?