
WRUP: solve a puzzle edition

For U.S. gamers, nothing new released for our favorite handheld this week, leaving us all in a state of despair and wanting. For those of you outside the U.S., you guys get a couple of different games to choose from. And, what with it being Friday and all, we've got to ask: what are you playing? How will you be spending your weekend, what games will you be playing?

Our DS Lite sits at the ready, as we plan on venturing out into the real world (keeping our eye out for bears, of course) to acquire our puzzle fix. If we can't find it at retail (supposedly it's kind of scarce), we'll undoubtedly have to order the title online and will spend our weekend cuddled up with our Wii. We supposed, either way, we win ...

Previous posts: What were you playing?