
First women's suffrage and now this

As far as game merch goes, us girls usually get shafted. We get Princess Peach shirts and men get ... everything else. For the most part though, the merch here at GDC is pretty well divided. There are women's tees that match the men's, and they aren't even pink. But for the truly discriminating lady gamer, there's also this Game Developers Conference 2007 lime green mini tote.

I don't know about the rest of the female public, but, for me personally, part of being a lady has never included needing a ridiculously tiny tote bag. In fact, years of experience as a girl has taught me that women's stuff is -- get this -- the same size as guys'. Now, if they sold tiny GDC notebooks, tiny GDC pens, and itsy bitsy little GDC laptops, then ... I take it back, that tote would still be mugly.