
PlayStation Home confirmed by New York Times!

It's not exactly a 100% super-truth confirmation, but the New York Times have released a story stating that Sony "plans to announce new online capabilities for [the PS3], meant to draw gamers into Sony's cyberspace community and allow them to share entertainment content they have created, à la YouTube." Sounds like... yeah, it is! PlayStation Home! The online world that allows you to create a persistant identity that records your achievements in multiple games -- decorating a "room" with said achievements. Hopefully it's in 3D.

The article goes on to talk about GDC and how it's Sony's time to show off the PS3 and create the buzz that was more or less absent for the console's launch. It's all a bunch of stuff we've heard before, in truth. That doesn't mean it isn't important, but the subject here is that the New York Times has announced the PlayStation Home is coming in the Fall -- if it doesn't, that spells big trouble for Sony. Everyone's expecting it now, so if it weren't true, it had better become true. What do you guys think? Will GDC give Sony some positive press at last?