
Popular Science looks inside Wiimote, finds good tech

The Popular Science crew have ripped apart a Wiimote, all in the name of, you guessed it, science. What they found is some amaxing technology, as they report the Wiimote is capable of registering movement as small as five nanometers, or 1/40 the width of a human hair. This is impressive, but could such sensitivity be a bad thing?

With the Wiimote registering movement that small, could it mean that small movements by the player, not meant to be translated into the game, are being translated into the game? Maybe this is the root of those "messy" controls that EA dude was talking about? Or are developers smart enough to not include the maximum sensitivity of the Wiimote when constructing their games?

For those of you who enjoy the more technological side of things, the piece is definitely a worthwhile read.

[via Joystiq]