
A competitor falls: the end of Game Park [Update 1]

Like many gamers I've always had the desire to own every console that hits the market. Unfortunately I never owned a Game Park. I always admired the fact that despited not really having big developer support, the system found a fanbase because of its homebrew scene. The systems success also was probably helped by the fact that the Korean gaming platform didn't have a lot of competition. Until 2002 Japanese electronics were banned from Korea. The increase of competition also came with a system (PSP) that was more than capable of doing homebrew perfectly, making importing a handheld with a homebrew bent less attractive. Now Pockett is reporting that Game Park has declared bankruptcy and their once proud gaming site is replaced by one that sells shoes. You can probably still pick up one of the many Game Park system variations, but it doesn't reduce the sadness of one less player in the games industry.

[Via Insert Credit]

[Update 1: Corrected formatting and link source. We apologize to Pockett.]