
Metareview: Godfather: Blackhand Edition


We're sure that the decision to bring The Godfather: Blackhand Edition over to the Wii was just a quick and easy way for EA to try and make some more money on their Godfather game, which took a pounding before the release of the new-gen systems. Still though, with some gesture-based controls, many were looking to this game for some good olde thyme crime. Has the game delivered or is it merely a quick and shoddy port to the Wii?

Let's see what the critics think:

  • IGN (80/100) says the game is plain fun: "A great first step on Wii, as it uses more than 25 gestures, IR aiming, and has a ton of features above the original game in the form of new items, missions, gameplay modes (favors and blackmailing specifically), and RPG elements. More important than any list of numbers and features though, is the fact that The Godfather is just fun to play."

  • GameDaily (80/100) agrees that the game is just plain fun and very much improved over its other versions: "Even without the flashy visuals, The Godfather: Blackhand Edition represents the best Godfather game yet, thanks to the wealth of new content and improved controls. W'd recommended the game to newcomers as well as Godfather veterans."

  • GameSpot (76/100) thinks things are fine: "The Godfather: Blackhand Edition works in a smattering of new content and a brand-new control scheme with good results."

  • GameSpy (70/100) says the controls make the game: "The controls are an interesting hook. Actually slugging it out with your targets by swinging the Wii Remote and nunchuk is fun, and the shooting elements are handled well by making the pointer aspect of the Remote a "precision targeter," rather than your sole firearms control."

  • 1UP (70/100) likes the new controls: "The control scheme is definitely the selling point here (tossing people around never felt more fun). However, for those who already own some incarnation of this series this comes as guarded approval. Ask yourself: How many times do you need to escort the Don to the hospital or take out the Barzini family before it feels too old?"

  • Game Informer (65/100) thinks the improvements don't add much value: "The new weapon wheel makes firefights less stressful, and adding more missions is never a bad thing, but the basic design of the game remains painfully dull. The uneventful stretches of driving, repetition in interrogations, and simplicity of missions has not improved."

Have any of you folks given this a play yet? What do you think?