
The Darkness shall be unleashed in June

Starbreeze's newest title The Darkness has been talked about over and over again. By us, mostly. Screenshots here, plot outline there, you know. The usual. Anyway, it's been released that June 25th will be the tentative release date. This is good because there's that summertime lull in good games (Lair is in May, and Heavenly Sword is... later) and releasing this title in that frame will give it a better chance to get into people's hands -- even if just for a rental.

The funny thing is, this announcement was apparently made via MySpace. I don't like the thing, so I'm not going to sift through the crap to find the announcement, but hey. It's a medium to deliver news in the same way YouTube is, probably. That's all we've got to say about this! We'll keep you up on details as they surface.