
Behold, a lone Unreal Tournament 3 screenshot

Today, we present to you one lonely screenshot from Epic's upcoming game Unreal Tournament 2007 3. And before we go any further, let it be known that we don't want any complaining about the fact that Epic only released one screenshot. It's one screenshot you didn't have yesterday, so this should suffice ... right? Moving on. This game further proves what a graphical powerhouse the Unreal 3 engine really is, because this game looks stunning. Make the jump for the full size screenshot and you'll see what we mean. Everyone at X3F is curious to see if UT3's visuals will equal or surpass what Gears has to offer, though we're on the fence on the issue. What do you think, will UT3 be the cream of the crop when it comes to the best visual spectical on the 360?

[Thanks, DjDATZ]