
Killzone Infrastructure gets delayed, but now supports headset

Killzone fans want Infrastructure support--and they want it now! Unfortunately, it appears that this downloadable addition has been delayed yet again. According to a PlayStation forum post, "We still have too many bugs that need fixing before we can be 100% happy with the patch. We want it to be as good as possible and releasing it right now would not be fair on you guys, so we have decided to postpone it a couple of weeks."

In the midst of bad news, there's still some good: the single-player extension will be free, and the multiplayer mode will support microphone use, so you can taunt other players online: "Good news is, we have the all clear to make Chapter 5 a free download. We have been expecting this and have been 99.9% sure it would be, but we could not announce it without the blessing of the higher ups. Also I want to confirm that it will allow Voice comms for those with headsets, but that is all I want to tell you about it right now. "

This Killzone patch cannot come soon enough.

[Via PSP-Vault]

See also:
Killzone: Liberation downloadable demo