
Ace Combat 6 a timed exclusive only

It was announced last month that Ace Combat 6 would be making its way to the Xbox 360, making it the first entry in the series to appear on a non-Sony platform. What was more, no announcements were made regarding a PS3 version of the game, leading many to assume that the game was exclusive to the Xbox 360. It turns out that the PS3 (and possibly other platforms) will see the title, though not simultaneously with the 360. According to a post on PS3Forums, the latest issue of PSM confirms that the game will be a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360. The length of the exclusivity period isn't mentioned. Even though it's only a timed exclusive, it's interesting that Namco would release a long time Sony exclusive on a Microsoft platform first. At any rate, more console love is better for everyone, right?

Prepare to fly the deadly skies later this year.