
Gene Simmons rocks Times Square with Guitar Hero II

The legendary Gene Simmons (of KISS fame) rocked hard in Times Square promoting the newly released Guitar Hero II for Xbox 360. The nation's (supposed) top Guitar Hero masters were invited to perform in NYC's Virgin Megastore, and the top hero would be gifted with an autographed guitar and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play with Simmons. Of course, as any legitimate rock star would do, he played with the ladies too.

The large audience may have proven too nerve-wracking, as many of the performances were stiff, littered with missed notes, and lacking personality. Of course, everything changed when Simmons walked in the room, tongue intact. His charismatic interaction with the audience proved that it takes a lot more than fast fingers to become a real rock star. Remember that, next time you "strap on."
