
God of War creator would have left Blu-ray out of PS3

It's refreshing these days when someone says what is on their mind, and doesn't pander to the corporate entity that they work for all the time. One voice that certainly isn't afraid of biting the hand that feeds him is David Jaffe, creator of God of War, and Game Director and Designer for Sony in Santa Monica. He pretty much chomps down on that hand with relish.

In a Bonus Round video interview with Jaffe on GameTrailers, he says "I probably would have taken the Blu-ray out and sold it for less money." Considering how Sony is really pushing the Blu-ray as one of the main reasons to own a PS3, he's certainly swimming upstream. Jaffe (pictured above with a Nintendo neckstrap *gasp*) is probably the only Sony employee openly questioning the Blu-ray inclusion.

He not only rails on the high price of the hardware, but also on the mindset of the game development industry that says every game has to be a giant blockbuster with a huge story. During a GameDaily interview, commenting on working on God of War, he said "It's like, 'F**k you capitalist society that says all I need to do is work and contribute to the bottom line. F**k you up your a**.' I want a life." You can almost hear Sony's PR department cringing from here.

Instead, Jaffe wants to see a return to games that focus on the gameplay, not the story. He cites Calling All Cars as an example of a small game that is cheap, fun to play, and didn't have an extremely long development cycle. "I want to do games that take 10-13 months; I want to do games that aren't always story-driven, that are more gameplay-driven."