
Forza 2 demo will feature 24 different cars

We knew a Forza 2 demo was coming to the Marketplace in April, but have been left in the dark to what exactly will be included. In Friday's Pit Pass the Turn 10 team revealed that the April demo is being developed alongside the actual game and will include 24 different cars from various car classes. What will be missing is any sort of online multiplayer or customization, features you'll only get with a $60 purchase. The Pit Pass also hints at in-game video footage that will be making its way through the inter-tubes sometime this week from two different media sources. And, for all you crazy car audio fans out there, you'll be pleased to know that Forza 2's dev team has gone above and beyond. Seriously, listen to thisstuff from the game. It's like heaven, but in audio form.

With Forza 2's release creeping closer and closer be prepared for one crazy media blowout. Grab your steering wheels with an iron grip, because it's going to get exciting.

[Thanks, THA1icarus]