
Motorola ships CableCARD STBs

It isn't very long till the next deadline in the long road we call the digital transition. This next step will either be really big or really bad. While most people will agree that CableCARDs aren't that great, the FCC is dead set on making the concept work and starting in July cable companies will be required to only deploy CableCARD devices, that means no more built in security. It is an understatement to say that the cable companies are not happy. The irony is that they say it is because of the limited feature set of CableCARD, yet they were the one who came up with the standard in the first place. While we wait for CableCARD 2.0 or downloadable conditional access, we have to live with what we got in the meantime. The hope is that now that the cable companies are stuck with same system, they will actually be motivated to really make it work for consumers this time. With any luck this means buying a box like a TiVo Series3 won't mean: installation headaches and no VOD, any more.

[Via Connected Home 2Go]