
You'll never guess what game will support 1080p...

We'll make it short so you don't have to guess: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's Endis going to be displayed in 1080p where available. Why is this such a surprise? Because normally games based off of movies (based off of amusement park rides) hardly get any sort of beauty treatment. Well, despite this announcement, perhaps that's not entirely false.

A problem arising for games trying to attain 1080p is a performance hiccup. Kind of sucks. However, this game is promising not to have any penalty for the utmost of graphical output. Why won't it hiccup? Nick has an idea. The game isn't that visually impressive. Now, don't judge me, it's true. It looks good, but more like a 360 launch title than a second-gen 360 and semi-first-gen PS3 title. Check out the picture we used. Don't look at Jack -- look at the dude in the middle. Completely emotionless, like an N64 character. While the game may sport the highest resolution, it just lacks something else. I'd rather see more 720p titles with much better graphics if this is what 1080p forces devs to churn out. Maybe in a year things'll be different.