
Geekdad gets Halo 3 voice-acting cameo

Remember, if you meet Bungie's Marty O' Donnell be sure to get him liquored up real nice, good things can only come from it. Wired's own Geekdad did just that a few years back while chatting it up over dinner and got a Halo 3 voice-acting cameo out of the deal. Back then, Marty (sipping the wine) jokingly promised the Geekdad a recording session in Halo 3 and stuck to his word allowing Geekdad to come to Seattle this week to record a few lines for the game. Not only did he get to record for the game, but also got to see (under NDA) Halo 3 in all its glory, drool over the mixing tables, etc. etc. Lucky little Wired Geekdad. Check out video above where Marty explains how the Halo 3 announcement trailer music came to be and be sure to make the jump to read Geekdad's full recap.

Oh, and for the Halo-curious out there, Geekdad posted the list of lines he read for the game. Maybe you can find some Halo 3 storyline snippets in there ... probably not.