
Two new PSN games: Snakeball & Super Stardust HD

We've covered the upcoming Super Stardust HD before, so we're not going to focus on that one quite as much as the newly announced Snakeball game for the PlayStation Network. The former, SSHD, features the systematic annihilation of asteroids, avoidance of the resulting debris, and the destruction of enemy units who want to stop you from annihilating asteroids. Just look at it! It looks pretty fun, but will it deliver what Blast Factor wasn't quite able to? Let's find out in June.

Snakeball seems pretty cool. It's like... bumper cars meets Snake meets rugby meets children minus the children. It makes more sense if you check out our gallery. You glide across a funky disco flooring, collect colored balls to increase the length of your snake car thing, and slap other players with your tail or some kind of weaponry. Along with the recently announced PlayStation Eye, you can map your own face onto a rider to get a more unique experience. There are three modes of play which we'll paraphrase: make your snake as long as you can, master the different arena challenges, or play against 8 other people online. It's coming in July.

[Via Joystiq]