
DigiPen student games released

DigiPen Institute of Technology has unveiled most of the student games created for the 2007 academic year. Nearly two dozen projects will available by the end of the month covering a wide range of styles -- from space shooters, to puzzlers and the popular "riding a motorcycle in medieval times" genre.

Unfortunately the most interesting games are still unavailable, but with just a few days left in the month, the wait will be short:

  • Bossinabox - a fast-paced arcade-style shooter based on the idea that boss fights are awesome. Your goal is to annihilate the boss as he splits into an army of minibosses.

  • Empyreal Nocturne - a third-person aerial action game in which you combat enormous flying monsters by commanding a legion of birds.

  • Gigoon - a 3D, third-person action game in which the player takes control of a giant monster rampaging through the tropical city of Rio De Janeiro

  • PHLOP - a 3D physics-based puzzle game that asks the player to manipulate simple objects to create complex device in order to complete the puzzle.

  • RydenStryke - a third person action game set in medieval times where the player gets to control a character from the future on a motorcycle.

A well-respected school with game developers, DigiPen's student projects have turned more than a few heads over the years. The team behind Narbacular Drop was snatched up by Valve, and the group behind the block-tossing Toblo have gained a lot of attention for their project.