
What's waiting in The Darkness? New multimedia info, that's what

Fancy some new details about The Darkness? Go on then, you've twisted my arm. If you've been keeping an eye on the Myspace page for the game then you'll probably already know this, but for those who haven't I'm here to relay Lord Sonatine's message. Here's the skinny:

  • Release date: Confirmed for the 25th of June

  • Demos: No cover discs. Expect to see a downloadable demo on the PLAYSTATION Store three weeks before release.

  • Videos: Three in the works. One is ready and is working on being approved. Apparently we'll LOVE it. Two other videos, showing off multiplayer and 'supernatural elements' of the game, have started being produced.

  • Pre-order: Doing so at EB or Gamestop will net you an in-game 2K Sports Darkling.

Sounds great to me. It should be a couple of months filled with The Darkness, all the way up to release. Give in. The Darkness is coming, and it's bringing friends.

[Thanks, Ben Furneaux]