
DigiPen students penning deal with the IP devil?

Here's a little tale of warning for all future attendees of "schools" like DigiPen: Read the fine print! As Kim Pallister, business developer for Microsoft Casual Games, was "shocked" to discover, the students who created Toblo don't actually own the rights to their intellectual property. Toblo, the 2007 Independent Games Festival Best Student Game winner, is actually the property of the DigiPen school business and games development apprenticeship institute. Well, ain't that just a kick in the junk?

Steve Chiavelli, one of the creators of Toblo said in a post, "We knowingly (naively?) signed away the rights to everything we would make when entering DigiPen. Personally, it seemed like a good trade-off. I would be attending what I had researched to be arguably the best place for learning how to be a game programmer."

We wonder if the other "school," Full Sail, has the same policy? Poor students, in the words of Ursula from The Little Mermaid, "You've got your looks, your pretty face and don't forget the importance of body language." 'Cause your brain, your brain belongs to DigiPen.

[Via GameSetWatch]