
Happy gnome appreciation day!

Today's comic

brings the love to our short, semi-sweet, and often misunderstood friends, the gnomes.

Gnomes. Short, obnoxious, nauseatingly cute, and spunky. With their troll-doll-like neon hair choices, and their high-pitched chatter, they are one of the most endeared and picked-on race in the game. But with great ridicule comes great hilarity, as today has been deemed Gnome Appreciation Day!

The forums are abuzz with comments about our new holiday, bringing even the blues out of hiding to voice their love of the pocket-gnome. Many jokes about keeping gnomes as pets, having gnomes for dinner, or treating them like footballs have entertained us for years now.

But, lets face it, gnomes are important! They are our dps in raids. They are our vending machines, for food, water, and healthstones. They are the butt of our jokes, but they keep coming back. They are bait to lure The Beast out of his cave (which probably started most of the gnome-punting jokes). They are the best engineers in the game, which in the next patch may actually prove viable. "They're in ur raidz stealin' yur soul shardz."

They're everywhere, and they're here to stay! So lets take a moment to give a shout-out to the shorties, for it's Gnome Appreciation Day!