
Rock Band guitar modeled after Fender Stratocaster

Just when you've finally gotten that old PS2 guitar to work on your shiny new PS3, along comes news of the next plastic instrument from Harmonix. The one-time Guitar Hero devs are busy working on Rock Band for their new corporate overlords at MTV and, part and parcel to that enterprise, is the creation of an entire suite of new instrument-based controllers. First on that list is the guitar, which will be modeled after the legendary Fender Stratocaster, so all you would-be Jimmy Pages out there can play the part that much better (no word on possible Led Zeppelin songs, so our hunger strike continues).

Along with the Fender deal, they've announced branding arrangements with Roland (they make synthtastic synthesizers) and BOSS (they make boss guitar effects pedals). They did not announce potential marketing partners for the drum and microphone peripherals, but we imagine they won't be settling for no-name knockoffs. Trouble is, aren't these peripherals gonna be pricey enough already? Inquiring nerds wants to know: what's the Fender name adding to the bottom line?