
EA announces The Simpsons for every console known to Man

Using the license for the first time since acquiring it in late 2005, Electronic Arts has announced plans to bring The Simpsons to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, DS, PS2, and PSP. The title was announced at a party celebrating the show's 400th episode.

The game will feature 16 levels designed as separate episodes, each with their own unique title animation, setting and story. The Simpsons family are cognizant that they are in a video game and use that to justify giving themselves special powers. The game's intention is to serve as satire for pop culture and the video game industry. Shown at the event were posters mocking other franchises: Bartman Begins, Medal of Homer, NeverQuest and Grand Theft Scratchy: Blood Island. It is unclear if any of these jokes were just for the party or if they will make it into the final game.

A build of the game was briefly shown at the event (note the Xbox 360 next to the screen in the images). GameSpot has impressions from the demonstration. The Simpsons is planned for a release this fall.

[Via Pro-G]

Update: Here are some videos of the game: Embedded videos removed as per's request. EA has asked the site to take The Simpsons videos down. Replacements should be up shortly...