
Halo 2 updated, ranks reset, the horror!

We knew it was coming, but that doesn't make the hurt any less deep. As part of the new maps finally being rolled into matchmaking playlists, Bungie has officially reset the ranks on Halo 2. A cause of great happiness to some and a source of deep anger to others, the rank refresh is sure to rankle many a player. Of course, others will have a new reason to start playing Halo 2 again. Another bombshell of sorts (even though Bungie informed the masses weeks ago), several of the updated playlists require that you have the new maps. A few playlists (most notably Team Hardcore) remain unchanged, so players without the new maps still have some online options. Finally, Bungie has announced that the new map will be free starting sometime in July. So, if you're still playing Halo 2 and you want the new maps but you're light on funds, all is not lost.

Now if you'll excuse us, we have to go own some noobs before our rank resettles in its rightful place.

[Thanks, PacoDG]