
Old school Bomberman coming to XBLA?

Again, we get a game announcement coming from a ratings board certification website. Well, not an "official" announcement, but an announcement that gets our speculative gears turning. Over on Australia's media certification website (the OFLC), they have a listing for Bomberman Live on the Xbox 360 being developed by ... Hudson Entertainment. Wait, didn't Hudson create that horrible Act Zero game that was nothing like our beloved Bomberman? Yes they did, but we're praying Hudson is simply polishing up an old school Bomberman for the XBLA. Yup, you can call us crazy, but we're thinking (hoping) Bomberman Live is an XBLA title that'll be announced within' the next month or so. Because why would they create another crappy Bomberman game like Act Zero? Really ... why would they? So, being the optimists that we are, anyone up for some old school Bomberman action on the XBLA?

[Via Game Stooge]